Wish Example apps to use unique package names


Licensed User
Longtime User
Without doubt, the examples posted in the forum are VERY useful. But I would like to make one small "wish"...

All the examples typically use the packagename of "b4a.example".

If you are just working with one example app, this is not a problem.

But I often run into problems, and I see that others do to (especially newbies).... if there is an example app already installed on the device and the user tries to install a newer version with the same B4a.example package name, it fails with an error that doesn't really do a good job of explaining the real cause of the error.

Also, I will often leave an example app on my phone because I reference it a lot for whatever reason. But, if I install a new example, it will trash the other app and then I have to remember where I stored the other app's source code so I can reinstall it again.

So my wish is to simple set the packagename of examples to something descriptive of what the app does when posting the example, like:





Licensed User
Longtime User
I noticed the same, therefore my reflex is, also when I begin a new project of mine:
1: Change the #ApplicationLabel on top of the Main module
2: Change the Package Name in Build Configuration.

Otherwise my development phones soon become full with hundreds of apps and it is difficult to find the correct "B4A Example" app.
Unfortunately, that's the drawback, I have this 'problem' too. It needs a regular clean up.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Me, too. New project -> change what Klaus mentioned. Reason: JohnC's topics. As a developer which has apps online you automatically come to this point. E.G. the package name starts with your own unique "header" like uk.johncsapps.superapp
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