Exception on GetHostName(IP As String)


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I was trying to use some code I found in the form.

Sub GetHostName(IP As String) As String
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("java.net.InetAddress", "getByName", Array As Object(IP), _
Array As String("java.lang.String"))
If r.Target = Null Then Return "N/A"
Return r.RunMethod("getCanonicalHostName")
End Sub

I receive the following Exception on the line
Return r.RunMethod("getCanonicalHostName")

"LastException android.os.NetworkOnMain ThreadException"

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Load the layout file created with the visual designer.
If FirstTime Then
Server.Initialize(8000, "Server")
If Server.IsInitialized Then
LabelMsg.Text = "Android is listening for a incomming connection"
End If
infostring = GetHostName("")
LabelInfo.Text = infostring
End If
EditText1.ForceDoneButton = True
End Sub

New to Android and not sure what to do about Threading issues.

Thank you
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