B4J Question .exe Creation Success, but App Doesn't run


Licensed User
Using B4J Version 9.00 Build Standalone Package I was able to create the package, and even used the step below from a previous post. here Everything creates and installs fine, but when I find the application on my PC it doesn't run. I can confirm that the application created from the build folder runs. run_debug also works and shows no error. Install is on a Windows 10 computer. Anyone have any ideas?

Steps to automatically build the setup file with Inno Script:
  • Move the generated InstallerScript-template.iss file to the project folder and rename it to InstallerScript.iss.
  • Edit the script, change the app name, publisher and other fields as needed. You also need to update two paths as explained in post #3.
  • Put the icon file in the project folder.
  • Add this attributes:

  • B4X:
    #PackagerProperty: IconFile = ..\turtle.ico
    #CustomBuildAction: After Packager, C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\Compil32.exe, /cc ../InstallerScript.iss


Licensed User
Thanks Erel I believe you are correct. I did have File.DirApp. I made the switch, but now I'm trying to find out why I have an error

Unknown type: b4xmainpage<br />Are you missing a library reference?
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Licensed User
So the install works now, but I'm still doing something wrong. The csv file never seems to get created, or if it is created doesn't go to the correct directory. There are no errors or messages in the debug.

In the AppStart sub I did

and for the CSV save where I want the file to go to the same CACtrax folder I have

Sub btnExport_Click
    Dim su As StringUtils
    Dim List1 As List
    Dim csvname As String = "Attendance.csv"
    List1=DBUtils.ExecuteMemoryTable(sql1, "SELECT * FROM PEOPLE",Null,0)
    su.SaveCSV(xui.DefaultFolder, csvname, ",",List1)
End Sub
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Longtime User
Upload a small project which shows the issue.
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Licensed User
It turns out I just wasn't thinking clearly. The CSV file is being created. It is going to an AppData/Roaming directory. I was looking for the file in the install directory.
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