I created applications in B4J. Everything works in the IDE environment. But when I run .jar, nothing starts. I can't even delete it because it's held by Java SE... I have to restart the PC. But for example, the B4XLocalizator.jar application starts immediately. Build Stanalone Package creates an .exe file. How to create an executable jar?
Oracle Java 8 or OpenJDK 11/14
Download one of the following JDKs. Note that OpenJDK 11+ requires Windows 64 bit.
Recommended: OpenJDK 14 + OpenJFX 14: download link.
License: GPL + classpath exception. License permits usage in closed commercial projects.
C:\java is a good place for it. It is recommended to use a tool such as 7-Zip to unzip the large package. Windows Explorer might fail to extract it properly.
Note that other versions of Java 11+, not downloaded from B4X, will not work as JavaFX will be missing.
Oracle JDK 8: download link (requires creating an account).
Check the Accept License...
Only Java 8 create executable jar.
From 11 you need to create the exe and distribute the entire folder.
Or, I think, you can create a BAT file to execute the jar referring to the java folder with the appropriate command.
Oracle Java 8 or OpenJDK 11/14
Download one of the following JDKs. Note that OpenJDK 11+ requires Windows 64 bit.
Recommended: OpenJDK 14 + OpenJFX 14: download link.
License: GPL + classpath exception. License permits usage in closed commercial projects.
C:\java is a good place for it. It is recommended to use a tool such as 7-Zip to unzip the large package. Windows Explorer might fail to extract it properly.
Note that other versions of Java 11+, not downloaded from B4X, will not work as JavaFX will be missing.
Oracle JDK 8: download link (requires creating an account).
Check the Accept License Agreement button.
Select "Windows x86" or "Windows x64" (for 64 bit machines) in the platforms list.
Download the file and install it.