First of all, as always, thanks in advance for your help...
I have an app with a start activity menu (Start). From here, you can go to other activity (Page1) which can send to other(Page2).
Page2 goes to Page1 with an up button in actionbar.
From Page1 you can go to Start with Back button.
In Start, i want to exit with Back Button.
What happens?
I use the solution given by gadgetmonster or Klaus(in another post): putting a variable close which is set to true, etc.
Page1 opens as Activity_pause + Activity_resume and even if I have that variable close set to true, you actually can see Page1 activity on the device before it finishes!
Ok, the app exits but it is not good that you can see the activities which were paused before it exits...
Please, can you help me??
Thanks a lot!!