Android Question ExoPlayer Lib missing


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I would like to make some test with ExoPlayer.

I downloaded the ExoPlayer Lib (JAR and XML) from this page:

But I am not able to compile any app with it because I get always such a message on screen:

Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\libraries\exoplayer-2.13.3.aar'.

Within the SDK Manager (--> Android) I downloaded all libs regarding exoplayer from version 2.16.

So what to do now?

Thanks in advance for any help.



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I know that this is an old post, but I encountered the same problem here and I cannot solve.

I downloaded the xml and jar files, put in B4A Additional Libraries folder, next I downloaded addictional zip with aar files and extracted to additional libraries.

This on B4A compile and works.

Because the Erel Exoplayer example is a B4XPages project, I tried to make it to work on B4J too.
I'm doing the same procedure, put xml and jar files in B4J Addictional Libraries folder, the same for all aar and jar files in the addictional zip.

I tried on B4J, I open the Designer, add an ExoPlayer Custom view, all shoud work.... but no... it does not compile.

I suspect that ExoPlayer is only Android at this point. Is this true ?

On github the description just point on Android platform, aar files even are Android related files.

B4J compilation error request a jar file, not aar and I'm a bit confused here.

This is the compilation error:

Please can someone help me to know if this can work on
desktop devices or is just an Android feature ?

Many thanks
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So the multiplatform project with B4A,B4i,B4J folders confused me here....
all seem OK on B4J IDE and Designer, but is a library that is Android only compatible.
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