Android Question ExoPlayer not working on Amazon Fire TV


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Hello everybody,

I wrote a simple proof of concept app using exoplayer to stream video from an external server. It works perfect when running on true Android tablet or Android smartphone.
But when installed on an Amazon Fire TV this application launches correctly but at the time to play video I get only the player skin no video is displayed.
Is this technically not possible or do I forget something important?

My environment:
B4A 11.20
SDK 30
Java 11
Video are H264 (.m4v)

Thanks by advance for any help


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Ok I'll try, and I will also try VLC app for Amazon Fire TV with this kind of video and let you know..
Thanks for your help Erel !
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Amazon Fire TV is a modified version of Android.
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That's what I also think MichalK73, but this doesn't fix my issues.

For information I tried VLC and BubbleUPNP on my fire TV stick and both are working well with H264 and mp4 uncompressed videos.

But as you can imagine the TVset is a lot used by my family so I've to find a time slot to test again my B4A app ..
Thanks to both of you, I'll let you know !
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At the designer level the SimpleExoPlayerView was define inside a panel. I defined it diretcly under activity.
I don't know why but Finally this made it working.
Thanks again for your help !
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