Android Question ExoPlayer rotation problem on Tablet Samsung Note 8


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Longtime User
On Samsung Note 8 Tablet it seems that Exoplayer does not handle 90 degree video rotation well.

It works fine on phones.

Some ideas?



Licensed User
Longtime User
I changed the file video orientation with a program on the pc, setting it to zero and on the tablet it works fine.

Orientation cannot be changed with Exoplayer.

Can you tell me how it is possible to change the orientation of a video file with b4a?
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Well-Known Member
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Check second screenshot (Video to Gif) on PndFFmpegKit page. You can get metadata from video.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I tried the library and video rotation works fine.

But my need is not to rotate the video but to change the rotation information in the meta data.

Anyone know how I can do?
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