expert? well known member?


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What causes a well know member become an Expert??

what i have understood is that the well known member depends on your trophy points but Expert not...


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It's just the number of posts, after certain number of posts you "upgrade" that's all.
Exactly... Even after 2700+ post, I'm still a noob!!!


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oh i understand so 2000 question (posts) should make you an expert and if not you need an urgent hospitalization


Well-Known Member
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Still #1600 posts in the Chit Chat and I'll be an expert... LOL
But even as expert I'd need YOUR help, guys


Well-Known Member
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An expert what though?


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It happened to me several times that after posting a question I find the answer by myself, this is a magic that Erel put into the forum. So by asking many questions you are becoming an expert !


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Sometimes within seconds!!!


Well-Known Member
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I guess when you like your label you should stop posting questions ... I like my status : well known member
I stopped asking questions ..I do not want to be an expert .


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Less than 500 post and I am an expert! this is a real challenge and I will try to be as careful as possible and post only useful and neat solutions.
Also will start study Luca and others' posts quickly to advance my knowledge. I have enough people who would support my promotion (regardless)


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Well, in recent times I write things much less technical and many jokes.

In fact, I receive a greater number of "Like"s, now

(helping some people technically, you do not even get a "thank you", sometimes. But there are 3 members very generous, anyway, which really surprised me!)

Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
So @NJDude, if I keep posting HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP, I will become an expert, sweet

For i = 1 to 10.75 JuMp 97

Erm erm erm, that looks wrong I ent no expert (luckily for you lot)
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