I really, really like B4A, but the libraries management is absolutely terrible.
Something like the way libraries are managed in the ARDUINO IDE would be real nice.
Currently there is no way in the B4A IDE to see what libraries are available or check for updates.
Well not that I can see ....
I really, really like B4A, but the libraries management is absolutely terrible.
Something like the way libraries are managed in the ARDUINO IDE would be real nice.
Currently there is no way in the B4A IDE to see what libraries are available or check for updates.
Well not that I can see ....
@DonManfred is correct in that all of the libraries that are integral to the B4A IDE are shown when selecting the libraries tab. These are classified as "Internal" libraries.
I think that you are referring to the "external" libraries? These are the libraries developed by other users such as @DonManfred, @Johan Schoeman, and others. They are also shown in the libraries tab. It is true that there is no automatic update of libraries when new updates are provided by the library authors. You'll have to do this manually unfortunately but I prefer it this way. It gives me an opportunity to test any updates to ensure that the update doesn't break my code. Many of the library authors do provide a single post which lists their libraries and updates, such as @DonManfred and @Johan Schoeman. B4X products, in my opinion are one of the better development tools on the market and I have worked with many tools over my 40+ years in software development. Having to update the libraries myself isn't a big deal.
Yes,thanks I did mean to put EXTERNAL libraries.
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately I find it the one really annoying thing with B4A
Still a great development tool.