Enclosed is a simple call to storage , creating a directory and copying files from DirInternal using ExternalStorage Class
Distilled from several sources, especially Manfred's work.
Added this to Class which was from another contributor
Distilled from several sources, especially Manfred's work.
'Creates folder in the destination folder selected
'Copies file from DirInternal
Sub FiletoExtStorage(DirName As String,FileToCopy As String)
Dim inpstr As InputStream = File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal,FileToCopy) 'Create an Inputstream from the Sourcefile to copy
Dim DirName1 As ExternalFile = Storage.FindDirOrCreate(Storage.Root, DirName) 'creates the folder
Dim destfile As ExternalFile = Storage.CreateNewFile(DirName1,FileToCopy) 'create the file
Dim os As OutputStream = Storage.OpenOutputStream(destfile) 'Create an Outputstream to the destfile
File.Copy2(inpstr,os) 'Copy file
inpstr.Close 'Close inputstr
os.Close 'Close Outputstream
End Sub
Sub SetTestFiles
FileName1= "RodTest1.txt"
File.WriteString(File.DirInternal, FileName1, "jaklsdjalksdjalskdjasld")
Filename2= "RodTest2.txt"
File.WriteString(File.DirInternal, Filename2, "qwertyqwerty")
End Sub
Sub btnTest_Click
Wait For Storage_ExternalFolderAvailable
FiletoExtStorage("Terminations",FileName1) ' Directory and File to Send
FiletoExtStorage("Terminations",Filename2) ' Directory and File to Send
End Sub
Added this to Class which was from another contributor
Public Sub FindDirOrCreate(Parent As ExternalFile, Name As String) As ExternalFile
Dim f As ExternalFile = FindFile(Parent, Name)
If f.IsInitialized = False Then
Return DocumentFileToExternalFile(Parent.Native.RunMethod("createDirectory", Array(Name)))
Return f
End If
End Sub