Hi i need to extract image url from a parsed string with xmlsax, the xmlsax string dispay me some text with in html code, i need to extract url images from content
Content text is like this:
<p><img align="left" alt="blabla" class="ngg-singlepic ngg-left" height="180" src="http://www.mysite.it/wp-content/gallery/presentazione/logo_mercato_2012-13.jpg" width="300" />Flip-Flip. blabla
I need to take First Url image so this:
i tried this code for test:
pattern = "src=(?:\""|\')?(?<img>[^>]*[^/].(?:jpg|bmp|gif|png))(?:\""|\')?"
matcher1 = Regex.Matcher(pattern, test)
Do While matcher1.Find
Log("Found:" & matcher1.Match)
but give me an error that pattern isnt correct (test is the content above)
And btw that pattern will show if work
i need it without the scr="
Thanks in advance
Thanks if someone can help me.