This is unfortunately one of the mistakes that come from today to tomorrow, without be a clear reason.
I had the same thing a few months ago. After several times creating new certificate and provision file, it worked.
The creation of certificate and provision file is still so obscure(at least for me), even after so many years of B4i.
This is unfortunately one of the mistakes that come from today to tomorrow, without be a clear reason.
I had the same thing a few months ago. After several times creating new certificate and provision file, it worked.
The creation of certificate and provision file is still so obscure(at least for me), even after so many years of B4i.
While using a remote builder, I dont think we have anything to do with the keychain so it MAY NOT be the problem. For local builder you may be right. I will make some tests with both local and remote builder in a hour.
Now I deleted all certificates and provision profiles. Created new ones. And everything is working in local builder. On remote builder I get an error about firebase analytivcs which is probably a missing library I use but hosted builder doesn't have. What I did wrong was, I had created a Apple Distribution certificate whereas I needed to create iOS Distrbution Certificate.
But I dont know why the old ones stopped working and gave me that error.
@Erel : thanks for hosted builder, it can be dectivated now.