Developers who are using B4A v7.8, please try to create a new AVD with B4A Avd Manager and run it.
You should first make sure that all recommended items are installed.
Does it work? If not please post the error message.
It expected to fail on non-Intel computers as it uses the Intel image.
Currently B4A AVD Manager creates AVDs based on Intel images. However you are not limited to B4A AVD Manager. You can create the emulators with the old manager or Android Studio and they will work.
The advantage of the intel images is that they are fast. The emulator is very slow without acceleration.
avd manager from android AVD tab works. AVD manager internal B4a struggles with not found avdmanager.bat
This file is not in the bin dir
i can launch nougat from android AVD tab.
edit downloaded the sdk tools again, and the avdmanager.bat is there.
Next problem is bunch of errors
To be continued
Please include in line 112 of AVDManager source the "google_apis_playstore" in the array in order to be able to create AVDs with google play services in API 24 and up
I agree, but if you want to use images with google play, they are not shown in the platform combobox. I modified the above version of sdk manager in line 112 to be:
For Each abi As String In Array("default", "google_apis", "android-wear","google_apis_playstore")
and now I can have AVDs with images with playstore