B4A Library FFmpeg_b4a - a FFmpeg library for b4a (decoding/streaming)


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No, the library in this post is a videoplayer/decoder.
You could use my ffmpegencoder instead which includes the necessary binaries for encoding...


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can you add record RTMP function to this libary ?


Licensed User
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can you add record RTMP function to this libary ?
There is no such functionality in the original library (which now has been discontinued in favor of another code-base).


Licensed User
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good night the system makes me wrong when compiling i don't know why the libraries don't register it ..

podria colocar unos print de pantalla para saber donde colocas las librerias...gracias


  • Error01.png
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The example does not run I don't know in what step I am wrong ...

I could place some screen print to know where you put the libraries ... thanks
Have you added the library files inside your additional library folder?

Ya pusiste los archivos de la libreria en el folder de librerias adicionales?



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Hi @moster67 .

Do you have an audio-only build for this library for at least the mp3 format? Hopefully able to slow down the playback speed.


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Important Note: As of August 2019, this library is not compliant with Google Play store's latest requirements which require native 64bits libs. It is still useable for apps not being distributed on Google Play Store though.

Personally I would probably use the ExoPlayer (search the forum) these days unless you have codec-issues. Alternatively, you can use my Vitamio5 library/wrapper which is compliant with Google Play store's latest requirements and plays most codecs.


Licensed User
You can download these three libraries from there(FFMpeg_B4A_armeabi-v7a.jar, FFMpeg_B4A_armeabi.jar and FFMpeg_B4A_x86.jar)


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@@DonManfred How can I get these files

mportant Note: As of August 2019, this library is not compliant with Google Play store's latest requirements which require native 64bits libs. It is still useable for apps not being distributed on Google Play Store though.

Based on @moster67s Info there are NO SUCH files. It is suggested to better use Exoplayer instead.
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