Wish File copy to/from virtual device

Jeffrey Cameron

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
There have been several times when I've been debugging a problem that I needed to get the physical database or downloaded data from the device in order to see exactly what I was working with (really long JSON strings and such are difficult if not impossible to get from the LOG window).

I discovered the Android SDK utility ADB.EXE which can be used to copy to (push) or from (pull) the "drive" of the virtual device:
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe pull /sdcard/myfolder/my.db C:\Temp\my.db

You already interface with AVD program in your tools menu, it would be wonderful to have a "copy from AVD" and "copy to AVD" menu options where you can supply the filenames and have it done without having to shell out to a command prompt.

Thank you for your consideration!