B4J Question File.DirAssets and Files Folder in Jar

Fabrice La

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How to extract files in Files folder from the .jar file ?

If Not(File.IsDirectory(File.DirApp,".ndf")) Then
    End If
    If Not(File.Exists(File.DirApp & "/.ndf","ndf.db3")) Then
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets,"ndf.db3",File.DirApp & "/.ndf","ndf.db3")
    End If


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Is there a similar function that takes only a folder name as a parameter, and tells you whether that folder exists? Like IsDir( "C:\Projects\EODFiles" )?

Or do I need to cut off the last node EODFILES, get the parent folder, and then just use IsDirectory( "C:\Projects", "EODFiles" )?
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Thanks, Erel.

Yes, will start new thread for related questions, with maybe a reference to the related thread. Sorry about that.
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