File.DirInternal OK for read only database?


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Do I need to copy the database to the sd card if it is read only? It is very large and it would be nice not to take up space twice.


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I use the following code:

      If File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"dbfile.db3") = False Then
         Log ("Main.FirstTime -- Database file copied")
      End If
      ' Open the DataBase
      If Routine.Open_DataBase(File.DirDefaultExternal, "dbfile.db3") = True Then

And I never saw in the log: "Database file copied"... so... you can use the database specified in the app.


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I use the same code as well but if you do not need to write to or update the database I'm thinking why bother. I've read that the copy stored in the apk file is still good for read only.
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File.DirInternal is not read-only. You can use it for any database. Only File.DirAssets (which is not a real folder) is read-only and cannot be used for any database.

Thanks for the clarification.
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