Android Question file.listfiles not working. only returns one file


I have posted my code below
the MusicFolder is /storage/emulated/0/Music

I get one item called thumbnails but no files in the music folder. The size shows as 1 as in 1 file and there are more than that there when I look. I am an experienced programmer but somewhat new to B4X so I am fairly sure I am missing something stupid. Would somebody be kind enough to point out the stupid thing I am missing or not doing?

problem child:
private Sub LoadSongs
    Dim S As List
    Dim I As Int
    lsSongs.Clear  <------------ this is just a listview
    If MusicFolder<>"" Then
        s=File.ListFiles(MusicFolder )
        Log("Songs = "&S.Size)
        For I=0 To S.Size-1
            Log("Song = "&S.Get(I))
    End If
End Sub