No permission is needed.
Check the actual file in the Files folder and make sure that its name is all lowercased.
Thanks Erel,
The file is all lowercase and in the Files folder.
My main misunderstanding is if you take any of the many SQL demo projects with some .db file in the Files folder it just works - B4A puts the .db file in the correct folder on the phone.
Now I come along and swap another .db file for the original - still in the Files folder.
The only change I made to the code was to change "SQLDateBaseName = "personsflc.db" to SQLDateBaseName = "mydata.db""
The line generating the error was the copy command:
"File.Copy(File.DirAssets, SQLDateBaseName, SQLDataBasePath, SQLDateBaseName)"
But DirAssets is the Files folder correct?
So, how/why is the different .db file not found?
In a very crude way I can get the demo to work with my data by just modifying the table and fields in the original db file and keeping the original name - silly - but it works.