A string variable cannot hold binary data. You can read a binary file to an array of bytes.
Perhaps I am using the wrong term? I would like to use some of the ASCII high bit characters. For testing I cut and pasted them in to code as a string, and set a string variable = to them, then used that variable successfully. File.ReadString and File.GetText Would not read the same text from a file into a variable.
Below works just fine in code But I cannot read this in from a file:
Dim Ftxt AsString
Ftxt="001ö®ËTest Fnameö®ËEmployeeLnameö®Ë0ö®Ë0ö®Ë¹Ùé1ö®ËFrankö®ËArmanö®Ë0ö®Ë0ö®Ë¹Ùé100ö®ËLewö®ËHicksö®Ë-1ö®Ë25ö®Ë¹Ùé110ö®ËKimö®ËMosherö®Ë-1ö®Ë35ö®Ë¹Ùé120ö®ËJerryö®ËJonesö®Ë0ö®Ë33ö®Ë¹Ùé128ö®ËANTHONYö®ËEGFEö®Ë0ö®Ë34.31ö®Ë¹Ùé129ö®ËKELLYö®ËIMRMZIö®Ë0ö®Ë26.99ö®Ë¹Ùé130ö®ËJohnö®ËSmithö®Ë0ö®Ë22ö®Ë¹Ùé131ö®ËGARYö®ËARNIPAö®Ë0ö®Ë58.09ö®Ë¹Ùé142ö®ËJIMö®ËEMLEö®Ë-1ö®Ë46.11ö®Ë¹Ùé"
I notice I was able to post this correctly as well, even though it contains high bit ASCII.