Wish File send Progress bar in GUI


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Hi, my project is now so big that it takes some time to send to the device, and it would be so nice if you could see the progress in the Build Window?

Is that something that i can put on the wishlist?


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Its not the debugger, its the sending part. Between the debugger finnished the .abk and you get the installation notice on the device. The debugger works fine. This is mainly when I use Bluetooth out of office.


B4X founder
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Rapid debugger doesn't support bluetooth mode. You can take all the files from the files tab and copy them to your phone external storage.

You can then use a variable to hold the "assets" folder (File.DirApp or File.DirDefaultExternal). This is very useful when developing apps with many files.

Note that you can't remove the files that are loaded when the layout is built.


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That does not help me on my travels with only a Bluetooth connection to my device. But i will start using the rapid debugger at the office and home.
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