Android Question File.WriteString Problem


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To anyone with an explanation:

I clicked on Help/Online Help, selected File/WriteString and copied the example:

File.WriteString(File.DirRootExternal, "1.txt", "Some text")

into a program as the first statement after the LoadLayout line.
I then set a breakpoint on the line after that. After I clicked on Project/Compile & Run,
the program stopped at the breakpoint and the following run time error message appeared: /mnt/sdcard/1.txt (Permission denied)

Why doesn't WriteString work here?


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Note that the permission is added automatically when you access File.DirRootExternal.

You can check whether the external storage is writable with File.ExternalWritable.

I added this File.ExternalWritable line as you suggested. It responded with False.
I am running this app in the Debug mode using the built-in virtual device manager.

I have written and published previous apps with a File.WriteString(File.DirRootExternal, "1.txt", "Some text") kind of statement without a problem.
Could the fact that they were compiled with a previous version of B4A be a factor?

I find that there is no problem when I use File.DirInternal in place of File.DirRootExternal.
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Have you defined a virtual SDCard for your emulated device?
Have you defined a virtual SDCard for your emulated device?

Thanks. I haven't thought of that before.
One of my previous apps (published), contains all of the following lines which work as intended:



If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,"Settings.txt") Then




I see in the documentation that DirRootExternal, DirInternal and DirDefaultExternal are labeled as read only. ???
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