FileBaseName and FileExtension, found in the jMMTools library are just what I needed.
But, I'd like to know if there are any other slick ways the get the name and extension out of a file?
Dim FullFilePath As String = "C:/users/file.ext"
Dim FileName As String = File.GetName(FullFilePath)
Dim Pos As Int = FileName.LastIndexOf(".")
Dim FileBase As String = FileName.SubString2(0,Pos)
Dim FileExtn As String = FileName.SubString(Pos)
You shouldn't assume that there is an extension. You need to check that Pos is not -1.
Dim FileBase, FileExtn As String
if Post = -1 Then
FileBase = FileName
FileBase = FileName.SubString2(0,Pos)
FileExtn = FileName.SubString(Pos)
End If