It worked. This is what I did...
Built a new project..
1. Selected a PDF file and added it to the project "MyFile.pdf" (in the Files section)
2. Added the above ApplicationText to the Manifest, from post #1.
3. Added a button to the layout - btnOpenFile
4. Selected the FileProvider library
5. Added this to the Process_Globals - Private Provider As FileProvider
6. Initialized the variable in the Activity_Create - Provider.Initialize
7. and added the following code for the button...
Private Sub btnOpenFile_Click
Dim Filename As String = "MyFile.pdf"
Dim in As Intent
'in.SetComponent("android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity") 'you can uncomment this line for the user to select which app will open and view the PDF file
End Sub
Now I just got to get it to work for viewing files NOT in the File.DirAssests, but for files already on the device.
Thanx to all here for helping.
Mark Stuart