B4A Library FileSelect Library With Type Icons


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Can you check the unfiltered logs


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Nothing appears in my unfiltered logs.

Sub File_Selected(FileName As String, PathAndFile As String)

If rename.Checked = True Then

Dim db As BetterDialogs
  Dim sf As StringFunctions
  Dim length As Long
  length = sf.Len (PathAndFile ) - sf.Len (FileName) -1

    Dim input As BD_InputBoxParams
    input.InputType = input.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
    input.Default = FileName

    Dim result As Int
    Dim PathOnly As String
    ToastMessageShow(PathAndFile, True )
    PathOnly = sf.Left (PathAndFile, length)
    currentpath = PathOnly

    result = db.InputBox("Rename File ",input, "Rename","Cancel","",Null)
If result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
    ToastMessageShow("File Renamed", True)
    ' rename here... need path only
    RenameFile(PathAndFile & "" ,  PathOnly & input.Answer )
End If
FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If Copy.Checked = True Then
    ToastMessageShow("File copied to clipboard", True)
    ' need to store file and path
    FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If  Cut.checked = True Then
    ToastMessageShow("File cut to clipboard", True)   
    ' need to store file and path
    FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If Delete.Checked = True Then

    Dim db As BetterDialogs
    Dim result As Int

        result = db.Msgbox("Delete File?",FileName,"Delete","Cancel","",Null)
        If result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
            If File.Delete(FS.SelectionPath , FileName) = True Then
                ToastMessageShow("File " & FileName & " Deleted", True)
                ToastMessageShow("Something strange happened...", True)
            End If
      FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
      'FS.RemoveView '<- Use this command if you wish to remove/close the selector after a Long Click

        End If
End If

End Sub


Licensed User
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There's nothing obvious in the code, which option does it fail on? Can you post an example project that fails?


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It fails to refresh on all my radio button options: Cut, Copy, Delete, Rename.

What I'd like to happen is, when I single click on a file, it checks the radio buttons - sees what's checked to preform that action (then refresh the contents).


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Without being able to test it it's difficult to suggest where it is going wrong. Are the actions performed before the app crashes?


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It doesn't crash, last thing that happens is the toast message pops up and then the fs goes blank.


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See Margret's Answer to your post #11


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I recreated your app so I could test it and Uncommenting FS.ShowFiles(currentpath) works. but in addition you have errors in the Rename and Delete functions (I cant test the cut and paste as I don't have your code for that).

You are missing a "/" in the rename file command target parameter. And FS.SelectedPath returns the whole path and filename used in the delete routine. Also you ned to maintain the selected path for both, I suggest you do it before any processing something like this:

Sub File_Selected(FileName As String, PathAndFile As String)

    Dim sf As StringFunctions
    Dim length As Long
    length = sf.Len (PathAndFile ) - sf.Len (FileName) -1
    Dim PathOnly As String
    ToastMessageShow(PathAndFile, True )
    PathOnly = sf.Left (PathAndFile, length)
    currentpath = PathOnly

If Rename.Checked = True Then
'    CancelPaste_off

    Dim input As BD_InputBoxParams
    input.InputType = input.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
    input.Default = FileName

    Dim db As BetterDialogs
    Dim result As Int

    result = db.InputBox("Rename File ",input, "Rename","Cancel","",Null)
If result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
    ToastMessageShow("File Renamed", True)
    ' rename here... need path only
    FS.RenameFile(PathAndFile & "" ,  PathOnly & "/" & input.Answer )
End If
FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If Copy.Checked = True Then
'    CancelPaste_on
    ToastMessageShow("File copied to clipboard", True)
    ' need to store file and path
    FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If  Cut.checked = True Then
'    CancelPaste_on
    ToastMessageShow("File cut to clipboard", True) 
    ' need to store file and path
    FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
End If

If Delete.Checked = True Then
'    CancelPaste_off

    Dim db As BetterDialogs
    Dim result As Int

        result = db.Msgbox("Delete File?",FileName,"Delete","Cancel","",Null)
        If result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
            If File.Delete(PathOnly , FileName) = True Then
                ToastMessageShow("File " & FileName & " Deleted", True)
                ToastMessageShow("Something strange happened...", True)
            End If
      FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
      'FS.RemoveView '<- Use this command if you wish to remove/close the selector after a Long Click

        End If
End If

End Sub


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Right, I didn't get around to finishing the code. But with, Fs.showfiles(currentpath) your going to loose the ability to navigate because that becomes the root now. It was suggested to use FS.Invalidate_FilesList to refresh my files.


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Are your radiobuttons visible at the same time as the file selector? You could add an up button.


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I can see your problem now, you may have to add the button until Margret can look at it.


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How about mounting the file system again FS.ShowFiles("/mnt") and bringing up the current folder?


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Can you auto navigate? I think it needs a screen touch to make a selection.


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I think if you create a folder named [ftypes] in the [Files] folder and put the icons there, you can then change them. Here is a list of what the names should be:
I like your library. I think I'm not doing something right though. When I initialize the FS to a folder with only 5 small files in it, it takes up to 30 secs to display. SHould it take this long? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
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I like your library. I think I'm not doing something right though. When I initialize the FS to a folder with only 5 small files in it, it takes up to 30 secs to display. SHould it take this long? Thanks.

I've noticed that it takes a while.


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OK, this may work better for what you are trying to do. I added three new vars you can access from any sub with information about the last LongClick event. See the code sample below and the new lib is attached. As to the speed issue, the files on my devices come up right away, unless they are large .jpg files that it is generating thumbnail images for.

'This sub is called by the Library once a file is Long Clicked
Sub File_Selected_LongClick(PathWithFileName As String, IsDirectory As Boolean)
    'This is just a sample, you can have a panel, etc.
    'Then do the rename, delete, etc. in another sub.
    Edit1.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub Edit1_EnterPressed
    'Three new variables added to use under the Long Click event;
    'FS.LongClick_IsDir, FS.LongClickSelection, FS.PathOnly
    If Not(FS.LongClick_IsDir) Then
        FS.RenameFile(FS.LongClickSelection, FS.PathOnly & "/" & Edit1.Text.Trim)
        FS.Invalidate_FilesList    'Causes the view to reload and redraw
        'Do whatever is needed for the Directory
        File.MakeDir(FS.LongClickSelection, Edit1.Text.Trim)
    End If   
End Sub


  • FileSelect Ver. 1.03.zip
    194.6 KB · Views: 273


Well-Known Member
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Great, thanks. I'm not sure how to handle the disappearing fs screen after single clicking a file? I tried refreshing, but the display is gone so that doesn't seem to matter.


Well-Known Member
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I need the FS to close on single clicks for my use. Once you said what you wanted to do, I changed it and added the longclick for your use. You have said in a previous post, you wanted to copy, delete, etc. on a longclick. What are you doing now with the click? The click is for selection and the longclick is for manipulation of the longclicked item.
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