Dim x_padding as int = 4dip
Dim y_padding as int=2dip
Dim margin as int = page_width/20
Dim NUM_ROWS as int =10
Dim NUM_COLS as int=4
Dim Y_TOP as int = page_height/10
Dim CELL_WIDTH as Int = (page_width - 2*margin)/NUM_COLS 'or whatever you choose
Dim CELL_WIDTH_ACTIVE as int = CELL_WIDTH - 2*x_padding
Dim CELL_HEIGHT as int = ...
'Here you can adapt your font size so that all texts can fit in the cells, or adapt the texts (trubcate, ...) for a given font size
Dim myCanvas as canvas
Dim myTextentries(NUM_ROWS*NUM_COLS) as string=Array as String("First text","Second text",......)
Dim myFontSize as int = 25
for k=0 to num_entries-1
Dim myText as string = myTextEntries(k)
for mySize=1 to 100
Dim ww as int = myCanvas.MeasureStringWidth(myText,myTypeface,mySize)
'Here you can choose to adapt the font size, truncate the text, .....
end if
'Can do something similar with height, if you decide to draw multiline.....
for y=0 to NUM_ROWS-1
for x=0 to NUM_COLS-1
myText=myTextEntries(y*NUM_COLS+x) 'or whatever order they have
'Texts aligned to the left for each cell
'myCanvas.DrawText( myText, LEFT_MARGIN + x*CELL_WIDTH + x_padding, Y_TOP+y*CELL_HEIGHT+y_padding, Typeface.DEFAULT, myFontSize, myTextColor, "LEFT")
'Horizontally center aligned texts in each cell
myCanvas.DrawText( myText, LEFT_MARGIN + x*CELL_WIDTH + CELL_WIDTH/2, Y_TOP+y*CELL_HEIGHT+y_padding, Typeface.DEFAULT, myFontSize, myTextColor, "CENTER")