Hello my friends,
Just enabled firebase admob and i have a question about debug(legacy) and release. When i run on a physical device debug version, app contancts with firebase admob and gets ad normally. When i run release version does not contact(not error, just does not contact). Does it need firstly to be upload it at market in order to contact?
Thank you for your time.
I uploaded on beta state, still does not work.
Thank you for your answer.
I finally achieved to show ads at release mode. What I have done:
-deleted app on firebase
-deleted ads on admob
-create new ad on admob and new app on firebase
-added SHA1 from my key at firebase
-removed SHA1 keys from firebase
After all of these, app communicate to server but got error code:0
So I reinstalled Google play services and all Google support libs at SDK manager and finally achieved communication with firebase-admob.
I don't know what exactly helped me out. I don't know if there is any bug.
At your service for any info