Prior to switch to Firebase, I was sending notifications using the string (token) obtained in Application_Pushtoken as identifier.
Switching to Firebase I followed the same method. But something was not working: i was able to send notifications to ios_general, but not to a specific address.
Of course in Fm_FCMConnected I was subscribing to topic "ios_general" and to the string (token) too.
But looks like the token string is too long and is not accepted because notifications to that address never arrives.
So I have changed method and for each user I don't register its token but another DeviceID obtained in this way:
IOSDeviceId=MySub.Right(no.GetField("identifierForVendor").AsString, 32)
With a 32 chars string everything works now.
Perhaps I'm doing some confusion, but the question in my mind is: what is the token intended for ? Can I forget it ?