iOS Question Firebase + iOs = FCMConnected problem...


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Longtime User
Hi everyone, after spending hours and hours testing and rewriting the software, I'm very confused ...
I have a serious issue with firebase and msg push:
I've set certifications as tutorials, but suddenly the messages do not arrive anymore.
I recreated certificates and created an app only to test push messages, but it does not work.
It looks like it does not record the topic (recorded on firebase for more than a day).
Using the firebase console, I've tried messages sent to the single token or all the devices, it works fine, my app receives them without any problems!
If I try to send messages to a topic, they are not delivered.
By debugging the app, I get the token (clearly), but it seems that the topic (device-> topic) is not registered.
To send push messages, use the "non-ui-> b4j" software.
Some idea??
thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Wrong forum but it's similar to Android...

To send push messages, use the "non-ui-> b4j" software.

Please post the logs, esp. the output of


after you send the message (not registered = token not registered = wrong device token!)

It's always good to show the code you use!

It's like if your car has a problem. You just call the workshop instead of showing it to a mechanic. What will they do there? The workshop will plug in a monitor to check the car's logs (error codes, etc.). Otherwise it's like "there's a strange sound on the left".

Anyway: For sure it is...

- wrong device token

Tip here: Log ALL your data and compare it to the firebase console
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Licensed User
Longtime User
thanks for the answer, but I skipped all the part of log files because I have already compared them and verified that everything works.
When I send a message from the firebase console, all the devices (not using the topic), the message arrives, using the token, so it can not be that (if I'm wrong to fix it).
However, this is the server2server log file, topic->ios_general:
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
[jobname=fcm, success=true, username=
, password=, errormessage=, target=class b4j.example.main
, taskid=1, req=anywheresoftware.b4h.okhttp.OkHttpClientWrapper$OkHttpRequest@133314b, tag=java.lang.Object@b1bc7ed
, httputils2service=null]
How can I get fcmconnect (positive or negative) logfile response from the server as shown in firebase documents (
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