Android Question Firebase sign In email/password FirebaseAuthEx2 V0.0 4 methods

Enrico Fuoti

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Longtime User
Hello all,
I tried to implement the sign-in email/password using the FirebaseAuthEx2 V0.0 4 by DonManfred, who has done a great job with it.
It works nicely, but my problem is that it's missing some of the methods of the previous authex lib.
What i was looking for is the sendVerification email one.
Is there a version which includes the missing methods ?
Or another way to achieve the result?

Thank you all.

Enrico Fuoti

Active Member
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Longtime User
I see, but are you sure?
The User.sendEmailVerification() method still works in authex version 1.14.
I also thought to utilize authex and authex2 togeter and try get the working parts from each, but it's not possible as they have the same class name.
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