I have been away from my computer for a few months and I am returning to an app I am writing.
Does anyone have an example of using Firebase storage with IOS?
I see lots of examples with auth with google and facebook, etc. I just want to pull files from storage.
I have downloaded the framework to my local builder.
I have enabled both analytics and storage.
I initialized storage and analytics
My code is running and does not generate any errors in my log. The storage_downloadcompleted never fires.
examples of my code
Here is where the analytics and storage are initialized
Private analytics As FirebaseAnalytics
Private starter As FirebaseStorage
the GS is XXX out on purpose. I have my real GS in my code
Here is where I pull the file down for FirebaseStorage
I get bothe the "Starting Download" and "Download Done" in my log
Sub UpdateServiceCodes
Log("starting download")
starter.DownloadFile("/public/Update.xml", DBFileDir, UDFileName)
Log("download done")
End Sub
This code never runs
Sub Storage_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
'hd.ToastMessageShow($"DownloadCompleted. Success = ${Success}"$, True)
Msgbox("Download Completed ","Database Update")
If Not(Success) Then Log(LastException)
End Sub
I am porting over from my Android app, which works perfectly.
The tutorial for B4A is very detailed on using Firebase Storage.
I am unable to find an example, or tutorial for Firebase Storage with B4i.
I am getting frustrated trying to figure this out.
ANY help is greatly appreciated.