Android Question FirebaseAdMob v1.6 - InterstitialAd - click and close


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Hello friends ?

I have a problem in this library

FirebaseAdMob v1.6

When an " InterstitialAd" is displayed and the user clicks on it
The user is directed to a link outside the program

So far no problem


When the user returns to the program, the ad is still open !!

And the user must exit "InterstitialAd" or press the back button

I expect when the user clicks on an ad (first the ad closes) then the link is redirected.

Why ?

Because there is no need to re-display an ad clicked by the user
Which both reduces the quality of the show and makes it double click

I think this is a bug in this library

Proposal :

We see that when user click on an ad
The following message is displayed in the Log section

"" sending message to waiting queue (interstitialad1_adleftapplication) ""

I think the ads should be closed in this section as well, which is not the case



Licensed User
Longtime User
When the user returns to the program, the ad is still open !!
And the user must exit "InterstitialAd" or press the back button

I expect when the user clicks on an ad (first the ad closes) then the link is redirected.

Why ?
I checked other apps (not made in B4A) and this is the behaviour of the Admob interstitial ads.

"" sending message to waiting queue (interstitialad1_adleftapplication) ""
sending message to waiting queue (mwadi_adopened)
sending message to waiting queue (mwadi_adleftapplication)

I have this messages too and I don't know what is the proposal and how to use it.
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