iOS Question First installation of B4I on macOS Sequoia 15.0.1


Licensed User
Good afternoon,

I've tried to fix this problem myself with the tutorial on this website but still can't succeed to install B4i on my new MacBook.
I've followed this
(But is it the good one as it's in the android forum ?)

I'm locked at the punct 6. Set the builder IP address in the IDE under Tools - Build Server - Server Settings

I don't really understand how to configure the application on the Mac.
I've configure it on my Windows but can't access to the bridge (it's on VM).

Could someone please help me ?

Best regards


Licensed User
Thanks for your answer.
I've got "Build server is ready" when I follow the following points :

"4. Open a terminal and navigate to B4i-Builder folder.
5. Run it with: java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar"

And have this page when I go to the Url under this information :

That seems good for me. But I don't know what to do now at all.

Best regards
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Licensed User
Thank you to ask. I didn't realize, I thought that we needed to have it on one or the other.
But I have B4I on my windows too. So, I need to configure the B4I on the windows with the address given by "Run it with: java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar" ?
Sorry, I'm really a noob with this system :(
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Longtime User
No worries, we were all new at this at some point.

So, basically, this is the big picture for you to understand:

  1. You need to install B4i (the IDE = the actual editor) on a Windows machine.
  2. When you compile your code to try to run it, you need to send it to a mac for the compilation the be done. This can either be...
    1. On a Mac you control - follow these instructions to set it up (you seem to have done this):
    2. On the "Hosted Mac Builder" (look for that headline at In effect, this is the same as using a Mac you control, but instead you pay a little something for B4X to operate a couple of Macs for you. Works great for most users, and a few of us (like me) enjoy operating our own Mac instead.
As you are new to this, it would probably be smart to use the hosted version, just to cut down on things you need to operate and understand.

Now, as for the "Set the builder IP address in the IDE", it's simple. This is something you set in the IDE (=the editor) on Windows. If you use your own Mac, you use the IP for that machine. If you use the hosted builder, you use IP that is provided to you.

I hope this helps. :)
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Licensed User
Thank you very much.
I have done the step 6 on the B4i on Windows. I've got an error that the Ip is probably incorrect but accept it anyway.
That still doesn't work. In fact, My MacBook is not on the same network than my windows. I need to install B4i on a windows in the same network than my MacBook.
I've tried to use the option "Hosted Mac Builder" but it doesn't work either.
Best regards
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Longtime User
Your Windows machine and your Mac machine doesn't need to be on the same network, the Mac just needs to be accessible over the net from the Windows machine.

For the Hosted Mac Builder to work, you need to have purchased that option. Did you do that? If so you should have received a secret user id to enter into the settings there, and information on what to specify as the IP address.

And, as a sanity check, your Windows machine CAN access the open Internet, right?
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Licensed User
Hi, thank you for all your help !

My MacBook is connected to internet. So is my Windows machine.
The Windows one is a VM connected through Proxmox. And I can access to google or this forum for example.

After verification, we have purchased the B4i (IOS) v8.50 Enterprise with 1 Year Hosted Mac Builder on May 24th.

I see some instructions that I didn't see. I'll try that.
Best Regards
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Licensed User
Sorry to ask again.
I've followed the tutorial for the configuration of the B4I on windows.
When I start the Build B4i-Bridge App, I've got the following message :

I found on the B4i forum that it's due to Oracle JDK. I've tried to uninstall the version I had and install the last Oracle JDK 8 from but I still have the same issue.

Do you know how to fix this ?
Best regards
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I found on the B4i forum that it's due to Oracle JDK. I've tried to uninstall the version I had and install the last Oracle JDK 8 from but I still have the same issue.
Funny, you stumbled into the same hell I was in recently:

Solution: Throw away your private sign key and all your generated files from Apple (cert, mobileprovision). Install OpenJDK 14.0.1 ( and start over.
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Licensed User
Thank you, sorry, my English is not really good and sometimes I need to confirm what I understand.

It's seems to work now. But I can't follow exactly the tutorial : they say that we should rename the files with "default" but when I do so, I've got the following error message on B4i :


That's ok when I rename default.mobileprovision to provision.mobileprovision.

I have access to the link to install the bridge on the iPhone. But when I launch the application, I have "waiting for IDE to connect to B4I-Bridge...." and no finalization.

If I try to put the IP given by the Mac (I can access to the ip on Safari), I can't finalize the build at all : connexion error.

Best regards
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Licensed User
Longtime User
At this point you are transitioning into a new problem with your installation. In this forum we try to be strict about only discussing one thing per thread, to make it easier for all forum members to find relevant information (so the good stuff doesn't hide deep down in an unrelated thread). So please start a new thread with your latest question.
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