Our application uses WebView in Basic4Android V2.52. We can display Flash on Android 2.3 and 3.x but not on Android 4.0.3. The built-in browser on Android 4.0.3 also uses the underlying WebView and can display Flash. We suspect that the default WebSettings related to PluginState may have changed between Android versions and are unsure whether this are set explicitly in B4A.
Our initialisation code looks like this:
Sub Globals
Dim libWebView As WebView
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.AddView(libWebView, 0, 0, lScreenWidthInPixels, lScreenHeightInPixels)
End Sub
Sub PlayFlash
libWebView.LoadUrl("file://" & sPath & "/Media/" & sFlashFilename)
libWebView.Visible = True
End Sub
How do we go about implementing WebSettings.setPluginState(ON) in B4A?
Has Basic4Android WebView been able to display Flash files with Android 4.0.3 (or 4.x) on any platform?