Back in the days of the BBC (the computer, not the broadcasting corporation ), we had colours that would blink or flash.
I have a project where this feature would come in handy, and would like to know a standard way for either making a text field automatically toggle between visible or invisible, or the EditText's text colour to flash between two colours e.g 0xFFFF0000 and 0xFF880000
I didn't want to go off and play with timers if there was already a function to do it for me e.g.
Dim IntColour1 As Int = 0xFFFF0000
Dim IntColour2 As Int = 0xFF880000
Dim IntBlinkIntervalInTicks As Int = 500
EditText.TextColour = Colours.Blink(IntColour1, IntColour2, IntBlinkIntervalInTicks)
No, this Blink function does not exist.
Usually, in the Android world (and I would say in most modern apps), it's a symbol/icon that blinks, not the text beside.
If you don't want to use a timer, you can use an endless animation that changes the transparency of the TextView.