Android Question Flexible table, does not respect color columns.


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Hi, I'm using a "flexible table" and some columns have defined colors, but when you touch on them, the color of the selected row prevails.
Is it possible to solve this?
Thank you.

If Not(tbLotes.IsInitialized) Then 
  Dim tf() As Typeface
  tf = Array As Typeface(Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD,Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT,Typeface.DEFAULT)
  tbLotes.UseColumnColors = True               
  Dim iTexto, iFondo, iFondoNoTocar As Int
  tbLotes.RowHeight = 40dip
  tbLotes.HeaderHeight = tbLotes.RowHeight
  iTexto = Colors.Black
  iFondo = Colors.White
  iFondoNoTocar = 0xFFFFFECA               
  tbLotes.SetTextColors(Array As Int(iTexto,iTexto,iTexto,iTexto,iTexto,Colors.Blue,Colors.Blue,iTexto,iTexto,iTexto))
  tbLotes.SetColumnColors(Array As Int(iFondo,iFondoNoTocar,iFondoNoTocar,iFondoNoTocar,iFondoNoTocar,iFondo,iFondo,iFondo,iFondo,iFondo))
  tbLotes.SetHeader(Array As String("id","Lote","Nombre","Stock Cajas","Stock Unids.","Cajas","Unidades","UXL","CV","UV"))
  tbLotes.RowColor1                = iFondo
  tbLotes.RowColor2                = iFondo
  tbLotes.SelectedRowColor = iFondo
  tbLotes.SelectedCellColor = iFondo
  If globales.itbLotesTextSize<10 Then globales.itbLotesTextSize=14
  tbLotes.TextSize = globales.itbLotesTextSize
End If



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, so is it possible to always keep the colors chosen for the columns, regardless of whether the row is selected?
Thank you
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