Of course, this is a native hint which is less useful as it disappears when there is a text. This means that you still need to add a label to explain the purpose of the field.
I do not think you can change the hint position, but you can change the text position with this:
Dim et As EditText = B4XFloatTextField1.TextField 'expose native view
et.Gravity =Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
et.Hint="Placez ici" 'or something like this: B4XFloatTextField1.TextField.EditTextHint="hello"
But if I am mistaken, Erel or someone else will be quick to correct
But I just did this now and it worked: It centered the hint text. Is that strange
Dim et As EditText = B4XFloatTextField1.TextField 'expose native view
et.Gravity =Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
B4XFloatTextField1.TextField.EditTextHint="First Name"
In your B4XViews example, remove the hint text from the designer, then, enter this code , you will see that it centers the hint word: First Name and also centers the B4XFloatField text.
Dim et As EditText = B4XFloatTextField1.TextField 'expose native view
et.Gravity =Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
B4XFloatTextField1.TextField.EditTextHint="First Name"
Of course, this is a native hint which is less useful as it disappears when there is a text. This means that you still need to add a label to explain the purpose of the field.