Flushing Screen tapping buffer


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Hi Guys,
Impatient users are tapping the screen a few times as the Forms are being calculated before being displayed. When the form is displayed the PPC seem so fetch the tappings that were made before the screen was displayed and acts on them.
I am assuming that each screen tap is stored in a buffer and is recalled once all subroutines have exited (i.e. the PPC is waiting on User input)

My question is - is it possible to "flush" the screen tapping buffer so that the app will only respond to fresh screen taps once the Form_show sub has finished?

Many thanks for your thoughts



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Ah, people are so impatient these days - expecting things instantly or else "it just hangs. " Ask Specci48 how long it took 'Jet-Set-Willey' to load in the early days.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think if you wrap the intensive code with WaitCursor=True and WaitCursor=False; any screentaps are ignored while the cursor is shown.


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I'm not 100% sure, but I think if you wrap the intensive code with WaitCursor=True and WaitCursor=False; any screentaps are ignored while the cursor is shown.
I don't think that works

I assume the taps are queued as windows messages in the applications' message loop and are read once the Form setup returns control to the message loop. You could try enabling a Timer control right at the end of your form setup calculations and set an "Ignore" global to True. Check this where you process stuff you want to ignore and in the Timer set the "Ignore" to False and disable the Timer.

I haven't tried this but the thinking is that the Timer puts a message on the message queue and will chase the unwanted messages out so once you get the Timer event you know that earlier message will have been flushed.


B4X founder
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Nice idea. I also think that the timer solution should work.


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Longtime User
Good sugestions. Thanks

Thanks for the input Zennerdiode
Agraham is right though, the Wait Cursor = True / False solution does not work - I already had it in place.
I'll try the timer solution ( once I work out exactly what Agraham's message means - I'm a bit dozy today!)

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