Sub Class_Globals
' Private fx As JFX
Private lblTitle As B4XView
Private Phone1Lbl As B4XView
Private Phone2Lbl As B4XView
Private EmailLbl As B4XView
Sub CreateItem(clr As Int, Data As Map, Pic As String, Flagged As String, Admin As Byte, ExpandedHeight As Int) As B4XView
'D -Delete, S-Secretary, T-Treasurer, L-Literature, G-Group Rep
Dim p As B4XView = MP.xui.CreatePanel(""), clr2 As Int = clr
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, MP.PhoneListCV.AsView.Width, ExpandedHeight)
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, p.Width, p.GetView(0).Height) 'resize it to the collapsed height
lblTitle.TextSize = 25
Phone1Lbl.TextSize = 25
Phone2Lbl.TextSize = 25
EmailLbl.TextSize = 25