Font/text problem


New Member
Perhaps I'm overlooking something obvious...

I have the registered Basic4Android.

When using the Designer, text on buttons, for example, show up fine in the Activity for the attached emulator (2.2 - 8).

However, when I compile the app to run, the buttons are blank on the emulator.

The same happens when compiling for my EVO.

I've tried changing fonts with no success. It even happens on the Designer tutorial.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


New Member
I'll try to post code later when home.

But, to answer your question, yes - the layout loads fine - a jpg image is there, screen background color is fine, even the buttons appear fine - just no text on the buttons.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I had exactly the same problem, trying the Guessing Game example from the forum.

No text in labels or on buttons when run in the IDE or on the device.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Not sure whether the solution below would help. I had similar problem with 'no text' shown on the button or labels.

1) Try expanding the TEXT STYLE (click on + sign) on the Designer. Set the text color properly.
2) In some cases, enter any character in the Text field.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks to you both.

I have figured it out now. It is related to the way that new views are shown in the designer, as WZSun guessed. Making sure you have the TEXT property completed as appropriate is what makes it all OK.

Thanks for looking and helping.

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