Android Question Forcing the virtual keyboard to display the "Done" button.


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In my EditText field from the Designer, I have the "Force Done" property set. The "Done" button is not displayed on the virtual keyboard. Instead, the "Newline" button is displayed. Is there a way using coding to force the "Done" button to be displayed?



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is single line set? if not, "force done" doesn't work. you need a button to get out.
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' Configures the Send button
' 1 = Enter, 2 = Checkmark, 3 = Magnify, 4 = Mail, 5 = Next, 6 = DONE
Sub SendButton(et As EditText, SendMode As Int)
    Dim r As Reflector
    r.Target = et
    r.RunMethod2("setImeOptions", SendMode, "")
End Sub
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Well-Known Member
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Thanks so much for your coding. I will try it soon and let you know if that works. I file like pulling out my hair just like in your avatar. ?
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Well-Known Member
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It only works when I use single line but we need the EditText to be multiline. Do you have any coding that is a work-around?
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Jeffrey Cameron

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I think you will find that anytime you set the EditText to multiline, the OS will do its darndest to have the action button = carriage return.

I suggest you just add a button in the UI near the EditText box for "done entering" or "next field" depending on which you need.
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