Android Question Forms Builder Preferences Dialog

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello to the audiance,
i found this tool but it is for b4j.
Installed b4j suite but getting more and more problems (Java 11+ not found, No space in VM a.s.o) anyway I am not so profession to convert the code because it uses also several objects I do not found in b4a. Searched the forum but did'nt found any equal tool for b4A.

I need your help to get an answer about the question how to use this tool or another tool for me as b4a developer.


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Longtime User
Hi there..

You can use this great tool Formbuilder (win, b4j) to produce Json files that could use at b4a b4x preferencesdialog..

Installing b4j at windows is simple... just follow the instructions here..
Also have here open java, .net link need

Then search for hundreds of b4x preferencesdialog examples for b4a...

My opinion is better use open java and not JavaFX... at b4a too... except you create 32bit apps.. that is not possible with open java.
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The forms builder you found is a wonderful tool.
I do have B4J installed but I am sure I found this tool before I did have it installed.
If you are running windows you should be able to find the .jar in the folders of the B4J project without having open the project and compile it yourself (I could be wrong) but I think it should be there.
Double clicking on the .jar file ran it in windows for me
Hope this helps
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Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
Good Morning to you,
thank you for your help.

@Unobtainius: no the jar file is not in the example folder.

After having some problems I installed the b4j suite, loaded the Forms Builder Project. The problems are easily solved if one followes the installation instruction on the Anywhere b4x download page. That is what I did not correct because I had Java already installed but not the one requested by the install instruction. Killed all my Java and installad it new new following the instruction and now its working.

I compiled the project to a standalone package.
Put the created folders in my b4a development tools folder.
Created a windows file link to the .exe file and added this to the windows start menu.
Now it's easy to open the FormsBuilder Tool by a click to create the jason files.

Thank you for all your comments and please stay away from that ugly covid.
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