Freelance Library Development


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Yes, very nice...

Ok all lib and class dev peeps, get your ChipIn widget on your tag line...


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SocialAuth has been ported to Basic4Android!

Now you do not need to integrate multiple SDKs if you want to integrate your application with multiple social networks. You just need to add few lines of code after integrating the SocialAuth Android library in your app.

The API enables user authentication and sharing updates through different various social networks and hides all the intricacies of generating signatures & token, doing security handshakes and provide an easy mechanism to build cool social apps.

With this library, you can:

* Quickly build share functionality for posting updates on facebook, twitter, linkedin and more.

* Easily create a Share button or a social bar containing various social networks

* Access profile of logged in user for easy user registration

* Import friend contacts of logged in user (Email, Profile URL and Name)

* Do much more using our flexible API like extend it for more network

If you are interested, please send me an email or private message.



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Say my app is large.

Can I develop a form in my app that will ride on top giving the user this floating window that gets access to important functions?



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Say my app is large.

Can I develop a form in my app that will ride on top giving the user this floating window that gets access to important functions?


You cannot have two Activities at once. However, it's possible to simulate what you want with one of these methods:
- you create two apps. One of them is your floating menu (made with StandOut). You use intents to communicate between the two apps.
- in each activity, you create a floating menu with the Floating Window class.


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Actually you can.
The StandOut Window isn't an Activity. It's a service. (Don't ask me how ).
So you can integrate StandOut in your own application and as Informatix said, you can use intents to communicate with the StandOut Window. (You don't even have to, you can just call methods to your B4A Service.

Basically as the tutorial in the zip explains there are 3 modules:

- Main Activity. This is a (transparent) activity, which is called in the beginning or when new views are added to the window. Because we are unable to add views in a service, we are using a transparent activity which gets called to add the view.
- WindowService. A service which is used to interact with the StandOut Window. You will load your Window here, set your flags and handle view events.
- Class Window. A class with functions to make the communication between your service and StandOut Service easier.

-StandOut Window is the window in the library. It's called in the native library



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Like my buddy used to say:
manuals are for wimps....

My Motto - When all esle fails, read the manual :sign0148:

However, with all this great explanation - I still don't get it - yet...

I will have to try it out and learn. Looks very promising.

Geez, just when you think you got this thing nailed - you throw this at us and knock us back 2 or 3 notches... Thanks XX, my brain is already mush. How can we keep up?


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- Aviary:

Hi Thomas, nice work what I have seen from you so far.

Just checked out the Aviary lib. While I could build a B4A lib on my own (I guess - if you have this in your pipeline already, I might take yours, and pay you of course. Would save me some time. Just let me know, how far your work is regarding this.




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Hi there,

Aviary is quite a big library to port.
I already took a look at it, and there are tons of R. objects which needs to be converted to work with Basic4Android.
It will take me to long to do this manually.
I'll take a look if I could make a script to improve the process.



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2 new libraries have been ported to B4A!

- MailSender: Send mails programmatically without an intent nor external activity showing.
- SpeechRecognizer: Recognize voice without an external activity or any other popup. You can call this right from a service and make your own automated device.
- SmartImageView: An imageview that loads bitmaps from urls or the phonebook.
The special thing about this is the following:

Drop-in replacement for ImageView
* Load images from a URL
* Load images from the phone’s contact address book
* Asynchronous loading of images, loading happens outside the UI thread
* Images are cached to memory and to disk for super fast loading
* You can specify a loading image and an fallback image when there's no image!

- LineGraphView & BarGraphView:



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This is a small sample of what can be done using the SpeechRecognizer library.

- Requirements:

Internet connection

- How to use it:

1- Install and run the app

2- Say command:

  • Open YouTube: Opens the YouTube app
  • Search YouTube <query>: Opens the YouTube app and searches for the video, e.g. Search YouTube Basic for android
  • Open Camera: Opens the device's camera in picture taking mode
  • Open Video Camera: Opens the device's camera in video recording mode
  • Open GMail: Opens the GMail app
  • Open Google Play: Opens the Google Play (Market) app
  • Search Google Play <query>: Opens the Google Play app and searches for apps, e.g. Search Google Play Calculator
  • Exit: Exits the app

If you wait too long to say your command or the app doesn't respond to voice commands, tap on the MENU button on your device and then tap on "Reset Recognizer Service".

This app is far from perfect but it will give you a pretty good idea of what you can do with this library.



  • SpeechRecognizer.apk
    250.1 KB · Views: 489


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I like SpeechRecognizer & SmartImageView, how much is this library?


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MailSender: Send emails programmatically without an intent or external activity!

Does MailSender allow the developer to set email headers?
Presumably it's SSL capable - is compatible with GMail?




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I'm updating an app that currently successfully uses the Net library and it's SMTP object to send emails from the device to a server.
These emails contain various data reports.

It works fine but my client wants to set the email headers to ensure that no-one can send bogus emails - we know setting headers won't be a perfect solution but it'll be a step in the right direction.

If Tomas' MailSender doesn't allow the setting of email headers i'll look and see if it's a feature i can add to the b4a SMTP object, otherwise i'll have to create a new library with the required feature.

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