Are you using B4i v2.0? If yes then it is recommended to download the ipa file (archive actually) to the PC with Download last build and then extract the ipa file from the archive.
This way the ipa file will include crash symbols.
About the error, I've sent you a temporary user id for the remote builder. Please try it again after compiling the ipa with the remote builder.
yes, i can upload the file but the warning comes every time. The app will be removed from Testflight (after a few days). Application Loader Version 3.1 (670).
As I wrote, the B4i libraries do not make any private call.
It is possible that by chance one of your variable names confuses Apple automatic tests and causes this error.
There are other ways to send tests to beta testers. Up until now no one has encountered this issue when uploading to the app store. So it is worth trying it. You can even submit it without publishing.
Are you using B4i v2.0? If yes then it is recommended to download the ipa file (archive actually) to the PC with Download last build and then extract the ipa file from the archive.
This way the ipa file will include crash symbols.
About the error, I've sent you a temporary user id for the remote builder. Please try it again after compiling the ipa with the remote builder.
Erel, so, you recommend to download from the Mac to the PC, that zip file, extracting the ipa, then... upload again to the Mac, because I don't know other tools than Xcode or Application Loader which are Mac Os Tools, is that specific to Hosted Mac builder, or a regular way to publish ipa, or do I miss something.
In my case, I use Application Loader, and I Upload the ipa directly...