Goodmorning everyone.
In an very simple activity of my app I load a layout that, in the second half of the screen, has a listview and two buttons. So via code I create and populate a scrollist in the first half of the screen,
then i populate the listview
and then i set the enabling of the buttons.
And nothing else.
The listview appears to be frozen. The pressure is not detected (the coloring of the listview element does not change) and the eventual click does not start.
Thanks in advance for those who can help me. Edoardo
In an very simple activity of my app I load a layout that, in the second half of the screen, has a listview and two buttons. So via code I create and populate a scrollist in the first half of the screen,
For Each l_Attivita As Ty_Attivita In l_ListaAttivita
If l_Attivita.DataOraFine = 0 Then
l_idAttivitaCorrente =
End If
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
row (0) = l_Attivita.DescrizioneAttivita
row (0) = DateTime.Date(l_Attivita.DataOraInizio) & CRLF & DateTime.Time(l_Attivita.DataOraInizio)
row (1) = DateTime.Date(l_Attivita.DataOraFine) & CRLF & DateTime.Time(l_Attivita.DataOraFine)
then i populate the listview
For Each l_Attivita As Ty_TipoAttivita In Starter.a_ClsRuoliTipiAttivita.c_ListaAtt
and then i set the enabling of the buttons.
If l_idAttivitaCorrente = 0 Then
btnAvvia.Enabled = True
btnConcludi.Enabled = False
btnAvvia.Enabled = False
btnConcludi.Enabled = True
End If
And nothing else.
The listview appears to be frozen. The pressure is not detected (the coloring of the listview element does not change) and the eventual click does not start.
Thanks in advance for those who can help me. Edoardo