Is there any library that allows communication via SPI?
The default serial port works well when the amount of data is small but too slow to transfer data from a few MB. It would be very interesting to be able to operate with SPI communication, this allows for a very wide range of applications as many microcontrollers have SPI support.
Ftdichip.com provided source code and usage example:
A demonstration to show the Android device reading and writing data via the FT311D SPI host:
Contents of the FT311SPIMasterInterface.java file:
Is there any library that allows communication via SPI?
The default serial port works well when the amount of data is small but too slow to transfer data from a few MB. It would be very interesting to be able to operate with SPI communication, this allows for a very wide range of applications as many microcontrollers have SPI support.
The FT311D multi-interface Android host IC ... Providing an instant bridge from your Android USB port(B) to peripheral hardware over GPIO, UART, PWM, I2C Master, SPI Slave or SPI Master interfaces.
Ftdichip.com provided source code and usage example:
A demonstration to show the Android device reading and writing data via the FT311D SPI host:
Contents of the FT311SPIMasterInterface.java file:
//User must modify the below package with their package name
package com.SPIMasterDemo;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;
/******************************FT311 GPIO interface class******************************************/
public class FT311SPIMasterInterface extends Activity
private static final String ACTION_USB_PERMISSION = "com.SPIMasterDemo.USB_PERMISSION";
public UsbManager usbmanager;
public UsbAccessory usbaccessory;
public PendingIntent mPermissionIntent;
public ParcelFileDescriptor filedescriptor;
public FileInputStream inputstream;
public FileOutputStream outputstream;
public boolean mPermissionRequestPending = false;
public boolean READ_ENABLE = true;
public boolean accessory_attached = false;
public handler_thread handlerThread;
private byte [] usbdata;
private byte [] writeusbdata;
private int readcount;
private byte status;
private byte maxnumbytes = (byte) 63; /*maximum data bytes, except command*/
public boolean datareceived = false;
public Context global_context;
public static String ManufacturerString = "mManufacturer=FTDI";
public static String ModelString = "mModel=FTDISPIMasterDemo";
public static String VersionString = "mVersion=1.0";
public FT311SPIMasterInterface(Context context){
global_context = context;
/*shall we start a thread here or what*/
usbdata = new byte[64];
writeusbdata = new byte[64];
/***********************USB handling******************************************/
usbmanager = (UsbManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
// Log.d("LED", "usbmanager" +usbmanager);
mPermissionIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION), 0);
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION);
context.registerReceiver(mUsbReceiver, filter);
inputstream = null;
outputstream = null;
/*reset method*/
public void Reset()
/*create the packet*/
writeusbdata[0] = (byte) 0x64;
/*send the packet over the USB*/
public void SetConfig(byte clockPhase, byte dataOrder, int clockFreq)
/*check for maximum clock freq, 24Mhz*/
if(clockFreq > 24000000){
clockFreq = 24000000;
writeusbdata[0] = (byte) 0x61;
writeusbdata[1] = clockPhase;
writeusbdata[2] = dataOrder;
writeusbdata[3] = (byte)(clockFreq & 0xff);
writeusbdata[4] = (byte)((clockFreq >> 8) & 0xff);
writeusbdata[5] = (byte)((clockFreq >> 16)& 0xff);
writeusbdata[6] = (byte)((clockFreq >> 24)& 0xff);
/*write data*/
public byte SendData(byte numBytes, byte[] buffer, byte [] numReadBytes)
status = 0x00; /*error by default*/
* if num bytes are more than maximum limit
if(numBytes < 1){
/*return the status with the error in the command*/
return status;
/*check for maximum limit*/
if(numBytes > maxnumbytes){
numBytes = maxnumbytes;
/*prepare the packet to be sent*/
for(int count = 0;count<numBytes;count++)
writeusbdata[count+1] = buffer[count];
/*prepare the usbpacket*/
writeusbdata[0] = (byte) 0x62;
datareceived = false;
/*wait while the data is received*/
/*FIXME, may be create a thread to wait on , but any
* way has to wait in while loop
if(datareceived == true){
/*success by default*/
status = 0x00;
if(usbdata[0] == 0x62)
/*copy the received data into the buffer*/
for(int count=0;count<(readcount-1);count++){
buffer[count] = usbdata[count+1];
/*update the received length*/
numReadBytes[0] = (byte)(readcount-1);
/*read the next usb data*/
datareceived = false;
return status;
/*write data*/
public byte ReadData(byte numBytes, byte[] buffer, byte [] numReadBytes)
status = 0x00; /*error by default*/
* if num bytes are more than maximum limit
if(numBytes < 1){
/*return the status with the error in the command*/
return status;
/*check for maximum limit*/
if(numBytes > maxnumbytes){
numBytes = maxnumbytes;
/*prepare the packet to be sent*/
for(int count = 0;count<numBytes;count++)
writeusbdata[count+1] = buffer[count];
/*prepare the usbpacket*/
writeusbdata[0] = (byte) 0x63;
datareceived = false;
/*wait while the data is received*/
/*FIXME, may be create a thread to wait on , but any
* way has to wait in while loop
if(datareceived == true){
/*success by default*/
status = 0x00;
if(usbdata[0] == 0x63)
/*copy the received data into the buffer*/
for(int count=0;count<(readcount-1);count++){
buffer[count] = usbdata[count+1];
/*update the received length*/
numReadBytes[0] = (byte)(readcount-1);
/*read the next usb data*/
datareceived = false;
return status;
/*method to send on USB*/
private void SendPacket(int numBytes)
try {
if(outputstream != null){
outputstream.write(writeusbdata, 0,numBytes);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
/*resume accessory*/
public void ResumeAccessory()
// Intent intent = getIntent();
if (inputstream != null && outputstream != null) {
UsbAccessory[] accessories = usbmanager.getAccessoryList();
if(accessories != null)
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Accessory Attached", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
accessory_attached = false;
UsbAccessory accessory = (accessories == null ? null : accessories[0]);
if (accessory != null) {
if( -1 == accessory.toString().indexOf(ManufacturerString))
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Manufacturer is not matched!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if( -1 == accessory.toString().indexOf(ModelString))
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Model is not matched!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if( -1 == accessory.toString().indexOf(VersionString))
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Version is not matched!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Manufacturer, Model & Version are matched!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
accessory_attached = true;
if (usbmanager.hasPermission(accessory)) {
synchronized (mUsbReceiver) {
if (!mPermissionRequestPending) {
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Request USB Permission", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
mPermissionRequestPending = true;
} else {}
/*destroy accessory*/
public void DestroyAccessory(){
if(accessory_attached == true)
READ_ENABLE = false; // set false condition for handler_thread to exit waiting data loop
byte [] tmpnRBytes = {0};
byte [] temp2 = new byte[64];
ReadData((byte)3,temp2, tmpnRBytes); // send dummy data for instream.read going
catch(Exception e){}
/*********************helper routines*************************************************/
public void OpenAccessory(UsbAccessory accessory)
filedescriptor = usbmanager.openAccessory(accessory);
if(filedescriptor != null){
usbaccessory = accessory;
FileDescriptor fd = filedescriptor.getFileDescriptor();
inputstream = new FileInputStream(fd);
outputstream = new FileOutputStream(fd);
/*check if any of them are null*/
if(inputstream == null || outputstream==null){
handlerThread = new handler_thread(inputstream);
private void CloseAccessory()
if(filedescriptor != null)
}catch (IOException e){}
try {
if(inputstream != null)
} catch(IOException e){}
try {
if(outputstream != null)
}catch(IOException e){}
/*FIXME, add the notfication also to close the application*/
filedescriptor = null;
inputstream = null;
outputstream = null;
/***********USB broadcast receiver*******************************************/
private final BroadcastReceiver mUsbReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver()
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
String action = intent.getAction();
if (ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.equals(action))
synchronized (this)
UsbAccessory accessory = (UsbAccessory) intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY);
if (intent.getBooleanExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED, false))
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Allow USB Permission", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(global_context, "Deny USB Permission", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Log.d("LED", "permission denied for accessory "+ accessory);
mPermissionRequestPending = false;
else if (UsbManager.ACTION_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED.equals(action))
Log.d("LED", "....");
/*usb input data handler*/
private class handler_thread extends Thread {
FileInputStream instream;
handler_thread(FileInputStream stream ){
instream = stream;
public void run()
while(READ_ENABLE == true)
/*dont overwrite the previous buffer*/
if((instream != null) && (datareceived==false))
readcount = instream.read(usbdata,0,64);
if(readcount > 0)
datareceived = true;
/*send only when you find something*/
}catch (IOException e){}