Hi, I am using the latest jnet library and copied the code for the ftp server side and the b4a client side.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
I am receiving this error, and I am out of rope. I have no idea what to look for to determine the cause.
B4J part on Win 11 box, usernames and passwords set etc etc
Client side code
Server side code
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
I am receiving this error, and I am out of rope. I have no idea what to look for to determine the cause.
B4J part on Win 11 box, usernames and passwords set etc etc
Client side code
Starter.Ftp.Initialize("FTP", "", 21, "zz", "zz")
Starter.Ftp.PassiveMode = True
Starter.Ftp.UseSSL = False
Starter.Ftp.UseSSLExplicit = False
Dim sf As Object = Starter.Ftp.UploadFile(File.Dirinternal, "temp.jpg", False, "/temp.jpg")
'occurs here - java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Wait For (sf) FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
Server side code
FTPSer.Initialize(Me, "FTPServer")
FTPSer.SetPorts(21, 65500, 65535)
FTPSer.AddUser("zz", "zz")
FTPSer.BaseDir = IIf(xui.IsB4J, "c:\data\ftp", xui.DefaultFolder)
FTPSer.BaseDir = "c:\data\ftp"
'loop bit removed as has UI