The attached program allows the user to take a inventory count on a handheld and transmits the data back to a FTP server and then the user can then receive new inventory items to count.
The transmit to the FTP server, using the code as provide by Brian Rathbone, works great. The problem I am having is receiving the new data back from the server. I can get the file size from the FTP server, but I can't get the program to start receiving the data.
I don't if there is a command to send to the FTP server to start sending, other than the "RETR" command.
So could someone please offer some in site as to what I am doing wrong. The receive part of the program starts at line number 305.
The program is attached. Along with the data and a pdf file that has some of the barcodes for the product code in the database.
The FTP server I am using is FileZilla.
Thanks before hand for the help
The program allow the user to enter inventory items either by the product code, user lookup or they can use a barcode scanner to enter the product code.
The program has been tested on the desktop using a Symbol model ls4004-1000 scanner. The program was tested on handheld, using a Intermec 751c. The Symbol scanner generates a carriage return automatically. The Intermec has an option in the scanner setup to generate a carriage return, via the postamble settings, these are \x0D , (case-sensitive), this will generate a carriage return after the data is scanned.
The transmit to the FTP server, using the code as provide by Brian Rathbone, works great. The problem I am having is receiving the new data back from the server. I can get the file size from the FTP server, but I can't get the program to start receiving the data.
I don't if there is a command to send to the FTP server to start sending, other than the "RETR" command.
So could someone please offer some in site as to what I am doing wrong. The receive part of the program starts at line number 305.
The program is attached. Along with the data and a pdf file that has some of the barcodes for the product code in the database.
The FTP server I am using is FileZilla.
Thanks before hand for the help
The program allow the user to enter inventory items either by the product code, user lookup or they can use a barcode scanner to enter the product code.
The program has been tested on the desktop using a Symbol model ls4004-1000 scanner. The program was tested on handheld, using a Intermec 751c. The Symbol scanner generates a carriage return automatically. The Intermec has an option in the scanner setup to generate a carriage return, via the postamble settings, these are \x0D , (case-sensitive), this will generate a carriage return after the data is scanned.