FTP Upload problem


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I am using the ABFTPUpload function in my app. It works OK, however I noticed recently, that in case the write permission for the directory on the FTP-Server is not set the function will not return an error! The FTP-server does however return an 550 error upon the request of the client.

(000026)16.07.2011 11:18:50 - archos (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,100,30,10,166)
(000026)16.07.2011 11:18:50 - archos (> STOR 1310807937841.txt
(000026)16.07.2011 11:18:50 - archos (> 550 Permission denied

Any idea what goes wrong?


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As a workaround I will now check wether the file I have uploaded really exist on the server. This will make sure the file exists on the server. :)
But I still like to Know what goes wrong in the function!
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